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  • Dr. Chris Phillips

How To Pick The Right Toothpaste?

How to pick the right toothpaste

Do you find yourself overwhelmed or confused when picking a toothpaste at the supermarket? With so many products on the market this is not unusual. Although good brushing and flossing techniques are essential toothpaste does play an important role in your oral health regime. A combination of good brushing, flossing, the correct toothpaste and regular dental visits will help keep your teeth in their best condition and hopefully prevent dental problems from occurring.

Here are some tips from our dentists to help you pick the right toothpaste to suit your individual oral health needs:

One of the main benefits of using toothpaste is incorporating into your oral health regime ingredients that reduce plaque and protect/strengthen teeth.

One of the key ingredients that does this is Fluoride. Fluoride helps to harden the outer surface of your teeth which in turn reduces the risk of tooth decay. Choosing a toothpaste with the correct amount of fluoride is important- particularly for children. Some people with high risk of decay may need to use toothpastes with a higher concentration of fluoride on the recommendation of their dentist.

We always suggest selecting a toothpaste that is endorsed by the Australian Dental Association as this means the product is both safe and effective to use.

Do whitening toothpastes work?

There are many causes of tooth staining, however effective brushing and flossing is important at helping to reduce stain build up that occurs from consuming staining foods and beverages.

Whitening toothpastes contain small amounts of hydrogen peroxide – which may provide a small benefit at removing superficial surface staining. However they are not effective at removing the deeper staining which contributes to the majority of tooth discoloration.

Whitening toothpastes can also be more abrasive than standard toothpastes and may not include important ingredients such as fluoride. For more effective whitening results we recommend discussing professional teeth whitening with your dentist.

Sensitive teeth:

Tooth sensitivity is a common issue that requires a visit to your dentist to determine the exact cause and therefore best course of treatment for you. Common causes of sensitivity include gum disease, cavities, tooth wear or gum recession.

However the good news is sensitive toothpastes can be a helpful tool in managing sensitive teeth at home!

Toothpastes such as ‘Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief’ can provide rapid relief from sensitivity with the inclusion of calcium and phosphate ions -this forms a calcium rich mineral layer on the dentine surface which helps to occlude dentine tubules.

Potassium nitrate is another useful ingredient in sensitive toothpastes and can be found in ‘Sensodyne or ‘Colgate Sensitive’ this helps to desensitise the nerve inside the tooth making teeth less sensitive/ responsive to external stimuli like hot and cold foods/drinks.

Natural toothpastes:

Some people prefer natural toothpastes due to the absence of certain ingredients.

While there is often nothing wrong with choosing one of these options you may be missing out on important ingredients that help to harden and strengthen teeth such as fluoride.

If you do decide a natural toothpaste is the best option for you- be aware of abrasive toothpastes such as ‘activated charcoal’ as these can be harsh on your teeth and with prolonged use can result in tooth wear and sensitivity. If a toothpaste feels gritty on your teeth this is often a good indicator that it is too abrasive!

If you need more advise on what’s right for you please get in touch with our wonderful team or feel free to discuss with your dentist next time you are in the clinic.


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